Monday, April 7, 2008

Trinitarian life

This is a video of Mark Driscoll, Pastor of Mars Hill Seattle, explaining the community Christians experience with the Trinity. So, not only does the Trinity have community within itself, it extends the benefits of such community to believers. The clip is interesting to say the least.

Any thoughts?



Mike Morrell said...

I think Mark's overall kinda angry and usual. But I *love* that you have a blog exploring the Trinity, and's beautiful, and a fellowship we're invited to enjoy (see John 17).

Feel free to drop by zoecarnate to be inspired, as I link to a lot of sites exploring the relational Godhead. And keep blogging!



Anonymous said...

I think the main point is very interesting: creatures who hunger for relationships and community presuppose a God who exists in community and in whose image they are created.

I would to disagree with Driscoll on the point of transparency. He says that the members of the Trinity do not hide anything from each other.

Yet, Christ clearly states that it is the Father alone who knows the timing of his return.

Perhaps Driscoll has flattened out the ontological trinity (in which there is no subordination) and the economic trinity (in which there is subordination). John Frame points this out well in his Doctrine of God, 719-22.

I actually heard Rob Bell preach on Matthew 28.16-20 a little while ago where he said that "baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit" actually means to enter the new Christians into a dynamic community.

I don't believe that Matthew 28.16-20 is actually saying that, but I do believe that many other Biblical passages to stress the communal nature of the Christian life. The mere fact that we have Paul writing letters to churches shows that there are relationships within the body that are central to what it means to be a Christian.

In that instance I think Rob was saying something true, but butchering Matthew 38.16-20 to get there.